Mission Statement

Swallow Safe is here to guide you

Swallowing is personal. How we swallow follows a pattern of movements, however the mechanics of how each of our structures in the mouth and throat work in relation to each other is personal to how we are built as unique individuals. Being able to swallow food and liquid to not only survive, but thrive, is personal to our daily caloric needs.  The types of foods and liquids that are quite tasty to our palates is personal, as is the texture or consistency of those foods. Some of us like to crunch on our foods and some like things smooth and easy to swallow. Some of us prefer raw vegetables to cooked, and the temperature that feels good to each of us is a personal decision. Finally, our relationship with foods and liquids that trigger lovely memories or provide a psychological boost are personal to each of us as individuals.

Swallowing is personal!

SwallowSafe.com was designed to allow these personal preferences and decisions to be factored into your ability to swallow safely. Whether you have come to this site because of an illness, injury, surgery, or in conjunction with a medical treatment that renders you less able to swallow, we understand what you are going through. As Speech Pathologists who are swallowing experts, we have spent the last 30+ years developing diagnostic and rehabilitation programs that are individualized and personal to the patient or caregiver that needs help.

Swallowing is personal, as is the potential to feel better and enjoy the things that make you happy. Yes, there will be some modifications to keep you from suffering the ill effects of Dysphagia, or the inability to swallow safely. Yes, there will be some investigation to find out what your individual issues are related to the swallowing problem, and more importantly, the potential toward remediation. And finally, there will definitely be a path toward feeling better, being safer, and fitting your dysphagia (swallowing) safety within the life that you want to lead.

SwallowSafe.com, brought to you by Dysphagia Management Systems, is here to guide you down that path to improve your comfort, care, and quality of life!

About Carol Winchester

Carol Ghiglieri Winchester, MS SLP-CCC is the founder of Dysphagia Management Systems, LLC (DMS) and SwallowSafe.com by DMS. As the first Speech Pathologist to develop mobile swallowing instrumentations utilizing FEES (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing) in 1992 in Indiana, Ms Winchester has focused her career since that time, specializing in dysphagia management. As an innovator in the field of speech pathology, Carol realized that there was a void of information for the patient and caregiver in dealing with a dysphagia diagnosis, and has committed to providing practical and functional information to those that need it most. Ms Winchester lives in Sarasota, Florida where DMS is headquartered nationally.

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